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The purpose of the VA ASLA Professional and Student Awards Program is:

  • to recognize Excellence, Exemplary Performance, and Significant Contributions within the landscape architecture profession of the Commonwealth of Virginia;
  • to encourage the application of landscape architectural solutions to the issues, problems and opportunities challenging us today; and
  • to provide a forum for the review and evaluation of work currently shaping our environment.

The winning projects will be showcased at a special awards event later in 2024. Posters of the winning entries will be displayed during the event. The winning projects will be featured on the VA ASLA website, in the chapter’s digital newsletter and chapter social media channels.

All communications will go to the project nominator identified in the nomination package.


Professional Awards
VA ASLA Professional Awards Program entries are limited to persons practicing landscape architecture in Virginia, or who are submitting a landscape architecture project located in Virginia. To participate in the program the primary entrant must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  •    ASLA Fellow, Member, Associate or Affiliate
  •    Non-ASLA member who is a registered landscape architect
  •    University faculty member from a Virginia landscape architecture degree program
  •    A graduate of a landscape architecture program
  •    Non-landscape architect submitting in the Research and Communication categories

The jury process is blind. The identities of the entrant and creative team are not revealed to the jury. Jury members and their firms or agencies are not eligible to participate.

Student Awards
All program categories are open to those currently enrolled, as well as recent (2023) graduates of a landscape architecture degree program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Students must provide proof of enrollment with their submission, such as a copy of their photo student ID.

Award Winners
Award recipients will be honored during an awards presentation ceremony to be held (in-person or virtually) later in 2024. All nominees agree to submit a .pdf file for a 24"x36" exhibition poster representing their project as described in their nomination, if they are selected to receive an award. (Additional information will be sent to award recipients.)

ASLA Fellow, Members, Associate, or National Affiliate $150 per entry
Current Landscape Architecture Students and 2023 Graduates $25 per entry
Virginia Affiliate Members $200 per entry
Non-ASLA members $300 per entry
Community Service or Virginia Landmark Landscape $50 per entry

Submissions were due June 21, 2024.  Submissions are now closed.

The jury is composed of landscape architecture practitioners representing a range of practice types. The decisions of the jury are final and solely based on the submission. The jury will be formally announced at a later time.


Presidential Award Of Excellence
The Presidential Award of Excellence represents the best of the awards submitted in the annual program, recognizing innovative solutions that go beyond the project purpose. One award per category may be given if merited.

Honor Award
The Honor Award recognizes outstanding, imaginative, and well-resolved solutions deserving state-wide recognition for their excellence. Up to 20% of the total entries in each category may receive an honor award, if merited.

Merit Award
The Merit Award recognizes creative and functional solutions that achieve project purposes and exhibit a high standard of achievement in such a manner deserving state-wide recognition. Any number may be given per category, if merited. 

Commendation Award
Commendation Awards may be given to recognize a high standard of achievement in a particular area of project execution deserving of state-wide recognition. Any number may be given per category, if merited.


General Design
Typical General Design entries represent excellence, exemplary performance, or significant site specific built works in communities and housing; urban design; parks/recreation; transportation corridors/facilities; commercial facilities; resorts; institutions; historic preservation/restoration; land and water reclamation/conservation; and landscape art.

Analysis and Planning
Typical Analysis and Planning entries represent excellence, exemplary performance, or significant works in general development, regional transportation, recreation facilities, park master plans, and town planning. Also relevant to are governmental policies or programs; legislation or regulations ensuring utilization of landscape architecture; landscape analysis such as environmental assessments; natural and cultural resource inventories; natural resource protection, conservation restoration/reclamation plans; and post-construction evaluations.

Residential Design
Typical Residential Design entries represent built single or multifamily residential projects; activity areas for cooking, entertaining, recreation, or relaxation; sustainable landscape applications; new construction or renovation projects; historic preservation, rehabilitation, or restoration; affordable landscape concepts and innovations; small site development; private gardens; rooftop gardens; and more.

Typical communication entries represent excellence, exemplary performance, or significant achievement in communicating landscape architecture works, techniques, technologies, history, or theory, and the lesson value to an intended audience.

Research submissions represent excellence, exemplary performance, or significant works of scientific /academic rigor or historical research that give evidence of examination of a problem, use of accepted methods, and arrival at supported and original findings.

Community Service
Community Service submittals should represent pro bono community service demonstrating sound principles and values of Landscape Architecture. These may be submitted as by an individual or a group representing either an individual or group contribution. All contributors to the community service project will be recognized for their involvement.

Virginia Landmark Landscape
Submissions will present distinguished landscapes constructed more than 15 years ago that retain their original design integrity and contribute to the communities in which they are located.


1. Register and submit payment, then Upload your submission details

2. Projects must have been completed within the past five years. Student submissions must have been completed since 2022.

3. Submit an ELECTRONIC PDF FILE (limit 20 MB) that includes the following General Entry Requirements as described below:

A. Illustrations (e.g., before/after views, site plans, elevations, sections and/or details):

i. Maximum of 15 pages (Following ASLA National Awards standard imagery dimensions is encouraged: 1900 by 927 pixels minimum 300 ppi.)

ii. All pages shall be clearly labeled with the project name

iii. Each page should include captions to provide insight into the content of each page(maximum 50 words per page).

B. Project Narrative - (maximum 500 words) This is the only narrative the jury will use to understand your project. Include project name and describe the following:

i. Purpose and scope of the project - Describe the project requirements, planning or design philosophy, and design intent.

ii. Role of the Landscape Architect - Describe the leadership and involvement in the project.

iii. Local and/or special significance - Explain the project's value to the community and how it fulfills the responsibilities of stewardship, sustainability, and relationship to context.

iv. Special characteristics - Explain why the project is unique or special, and how it solves unusual problems, incorporates new techniques, addresses budget constraints, effect on public perception of the profession etc.

C. Description of Project Roles - (no word limit) Without referencing individuals, company names, or team names, briefly provide a description of the Role of the Landscape Architect, Architect, Structural Engineer, Civil Engineer, Environmental Consultant, Owner, Client, and /or others as applicable that worked on the project. This is a separate from the design narratives and should be focused on clearly crediting who did what work.

D. Submittals for the Communications or Analysis & Planning category must include a Project Summary (maximum 300 words) in addition to the Project Narrative. The Project Summary will serve to provide added context and understanding to these types of submissions that may not include built works. Select illustrations that clearly convey the scope, content and significance of the planning and analysis work.

E. Submittals for the Research Category can include both research papers and/ or research design projects. If submitting a paper, also include an abstract (max 400 words). Include illustrations/ diagrams/charts with captions associated with the research that help present the project’s significance and/or findings (follow General Design Guidelines set above for page and file size).  

F. By submitting an application, the applicant assures that all copyright holders have consented to the project submission and to the use of images for by the Virginia Chapter ASLA for multimedia, print or digital publications, presentations and an online archive.

NOTE: Do not include any reference to the individual, design firm or team on any material submitted except for the Registration & Payment Form.

ALL INQUIRIES TO: Jennifer Thomas, Executive Director at

thank you to our sponsors


8100 Three Chopt Road, OMG Ste 226

Richmond, VA 23229


Copyright 2020 | The Virginia Chapter of ASLA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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