As an emerging landscape architecture professional, you are tomorrow’s industry leader. Your profession you have chosen is diverse — broad in scope and scale. Your education prepared you not only as a designer, but a beautifier, a problem-solver and a translator between the allied professions. Continue to develop your knowledge and skills through the opportunities ASLA membership provides.  Contact the Emerging Professionals Committee Chair or Executive Director for more information on how you can get involved.


Interested in getting licensed? Start here!

Studying for the L.A.R.E.? Check out these resources: 

Orientation Guide

L.A.R.E. Google Group

L.A.R.E. on ASLA


  • Current student of a Landscape Architecture Program 
  • Licensure candidate preparing for the L.A.R.E.
  • Recent licensed Landscape Architect within the first 5 years of their practice
ASLA has an economical graduated dues program to encourage young professionals to get involved and stay involved. Professional networking, mentorships, L.A.R.E. exam resources, and continuing education opportunities are just some of the benefits of membership. Involvement in VA ASLA committees as an Associate member is also a great resume builder and excellent way to meet potential future employers and make lasting connections with experienced practitioners.  

LA Student and Emerging Professional Resources

ASkLA Podcast

A Podcast of the American Society of Landscape Architects. ASkLA's goal is to provide insight and perspective for students and emerging professionals by interviewing a variety of professionals in the field of landscape architecture.

The Green Side

Are you an landscape architecture student lacking inspiration and tired of designers block? You're not alone! The Green Side Podcast is hosted by Graciela Martin and Patricia Fabregas, who interviews Landscape Architecture lovers to bring unique stories for students to learn from and be inspired once again.

Copyright 2025 | The Virginia Chapter of ASLA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.


8100 Three Chopt Road, OMG 226

Richmond, VA 23229


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