
    • 05/09/2025
    • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • 13244 Ashland Rd. Ashland, VA 23005

    Join us for a native plant walk at one of Richmond metros’ largest nurseries. A guided tour will explore and discuss some of the many native species suitable for landscape installations in Virginia. Each participant will receive a curated list of trees, shrubs, and perennials native to Virginia grown in nurseries. We will discuss plant identification and cultural characteristics of select species along the tour. We will also provide discussions on the importance of using native plants and the need to reduce or eliminate the use of invasive plants.

     Participants can earn continuing educational credits by checking off the plants highlighted on the tour and submitting the list at the end of the tour.

    At the conclusion of the tour lunch will be provided on site by our host James River Nursery, Inc.

    Who: Virginia Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects with host sponsor James River Nurseries, Inc.

    What: Nursery tour 11:00-11:50 followed by lunch 12:00-1:00

    Where: 13244 Ashland Rd. Ashland, VA 23005

    When: Friday May 9th, 2025, 11:00am -1:00pm

    Cost: $25.00 Members $30.00 Non-Members Registration will open in March, and closes May 1.


Copyright 2025 | The Virginia Chapter of ASLA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

8100 Three Chopt Road, OMG 226

Richmond, VA 23229


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