Information from the VA ASLA Government Affairs Committee
Advocacy is a critical component of VA ASLA. The Government Affairs Committee is dedicated to monitoring issues related to the practice of Landscape Architecture in the Commonwealth of Virginia and to protecting the health, safety, and well-being of the public and environment. The Chapter regularly tracks legislation and works with a lobbyist to keep abreast of legislation that directly and indirectly pertains to the practice of Landscape Architecture in the Commonwealth. | Our national association leads the way in advocacy efforts. When a chapter wishes to pursue an advocacy campaign or engage with policy makers, ASLA public policies are an important resource to guide message development. Find the national policies here. One of the consistent challenges we face at the state and national level is licensure, and whether the need for licensure is required by law. Read more about this important topic. |
Advocacy Links
| Thank you for your support of the Virginia Chapter's Advocacy Initiative. Your support will help us secure your right to practice in the state of Virginia. |